Contact Us
M-F: 10am - 5pm
Email: lakeareapromo@gmail.com
Tel: 574-267-2927
PO Box 270
Atwood, IN 46502
Need a quote or want to set up a meeting?
Use the contact form below.
After your initial contact (either through
email or a phone call), you'll decide when and where works best for us to meet to discuss your needs.
You'll see that we have operating hours listed. While we do like to keep meetings during these hours if possible, we are more than happy to accommodate your schedule if these hours don't work for you.
The meeting place can be your office/place of work, a coffee shop (your first drink is on me), your home or any where else that is convenient for you.
Extra Info:
For durability, always wash any imprinted garments inside-out.
GRD assumes no responsibility for replacement of customer supplied apparel for imprint.
All Sales are Final.
Trademark authorization is assumed to be transferred to GRD by their clients regarding use of any and all trademarks presented to us for reproduction. GRD assumes no responsibility in trademark or copyright disputes.
Any logos/artwork designed or created by GRD is the property of GRD. No artwork can be duplicated for reprint with out the consent of GRD, unless purchased by the client requesting artwork/logo design. Any usage of this artwork without permission is prohibited.
Embroidery designs require digitizing that is paid for by the client upon order. These digitized files are owned by the client and can be released to the client upon request.
Clients can purchase artwork designed by GDR for $75 (additional charges may apply for artwork that takes longer that 1.5 hours to create). After payment is received, the artwork will be released in high quality, usable formats. In the process of designing any artwork for a client, proofs will be sent to the client in low quality, unusable formats.